New Haven County UV Forecast
Moderate UV, 3.6
Moderate3.6MeridenModerate UV, 3.6
Moderate3.6New HavenModerate UV, 3.6
Moderate5.5MilfordModerate UV, 5.5
Moderate3.6WallingfordModerate UV, 3.6
- Bayview Beach
- Beacon Falls
- Beaver Hills
- Belden Island
- Bethany
- Bishop Rock
- Bloody Cove
- Bowman Rock
- Bradley Point
- Bradley Rocks
- Branford
- Branford Cove
- Branford Point
- Branford River-Branford
- Brook Glen Park
- Brown Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Point Jetty
- Burr Island
- Burwells Beach
- Calf Pen Meadow Creek
- Cedar Beach
- Charles Island
- Cheshire
- Cheshire Village
- Chipman Point
- Circle Beach
- Clam Island
- Clark Point
- Cut In Two Island
- East Breakwater
- East Crib
- East Haven
- East Haven Town Beach
- East Indies Rocks
- East Rive Beach
- East River Entrance
- East Rock
- East Shore
- East Stooping Bush Island
- Edgewood
- Fair Haven
- Fair Haven Heights
- Farm River Entrance
- Farm River Gut
- Farview Beach
- Flying Point
- Foot Rocks
- Fort Trumbull Beach
- Foskett Island
- Frisbie Island
- Front Beach
- Goose Rocks Shoals
- Governor Island
- Grass Island
- Griswold Airport
- Guilford
- Guilford Center
- Guilford Harbor
- Gulf Beach
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rocks
- Hamden
- Hammonasset Beach
- Hammonasset Beach State Park
- Hammonasset Point
- Harrison Point
- Hatch Rock
- Haycock Point
- Hen Island
- Heritage Village
- High Island
- Hill
- Hitchcock Lake
- Hoadley Point
- Hoadly Creek Entrance
- Hogshead Point
- Horse Island
- Horton Point
- Hotchkiss Grove Beach
- Housatonic River-Beaver Brook
- Housatonic River-Fowler Island
- Housatonic River-Great Flat
- Housatonic River-Naugatuck River Entrance
- Housatonic River-Sniffens Point
- Housatonic River-Turkey Hill Brook
- Housatonic River-Wooster Island
- Housatonic River Entrance
- House Chimney Island
- Hubbard Park
- Lake Gaillard
- Lake Quassapaug
- Lake Wintergreen
- Lake Zoar
- Lamphier Cove
- Laurel Beach
- Lewis Island
- Limewood Beach
- Linden Point
- Lindsey Cove
- Long Jetty
- Lovers Island
- Luddington Rock Breakwater
- Madison
- Madison Center
- Mansfield Point
- Marine Island
- Meriden
- Meriden Markham Municipal Airport
- Merwin Point
- Middlebury
- Milford
- Milford Harbor
- Milford Point
- Mill River
- Momauguin Beach
- Money Island
- Moon Rock
- Morgan Point
- Morningside Beach
- Morris Cove
- Mount Carmel
- Mulberry Point
- Myrtle Beach
- Narrows Island
- Naugatuck
- Naugatuck State Forest
- New Haven
- New Haven Harbor-City Point
- New Haven Harbor-Fort Hale Point
- New Haven Harbor-Lighthouse Point
- New Haven Harbor-Long Wharf
- New Haven Harbor-Sandy Point Dike
- New Haven Harbor-Sandy Point Lighthouse
- New Haven Harbor-Shag Bank
- New Haven Harbor-Water Street Bridge
- New Haven Harbor-Winter Harbor
- New Haven Lighthouse
- Newhallville
- North Branford
- North Haven
- North New Haven
- Northford
- Pages Cove
- Paynes Point
- Pleasant Point
- Point Beach
- Pond Point
- Pond Point Beach
- Port Rocks
- Pot Island
- Potato Island
- Prospect
- Prospect Beach
- Prospect Hill
- Quinnipiac Meadows
- Quinnipiac River-Ferry Bridge
- Quinnipiac River Entrance
- Quinnipiac River State Park
- Quonnipaug Lake
- Sachem Head
- Saint Helena Island
- Savin Rock
- Savin Rock Beach
- Scoville Reservoir
- Sea Bluff Beach
- Seaview Beach
- Sedge Island
- Seymour
- Shell Beach
- Short Beach
- Silver Beach
- Silver Sands Beach
- Silver Sands State Park
- Sleeping Giant State Park
- Smith Island
- South Britain
- South End Point
- Southbury
- Southwest Ledge Lighthouse
- Spectacle Island
- Squaw Rocks
- Stanley Point
- Stony Island
- Sumac Island
- Sunset Beach
- Taunton Rock
- The Bar
- The Tallings
- Thimble Islands
- Timberlands
- Toms Creek
- Tuttles Point
- Tuxis Island
- Tweed New Haven Regional Airport
- Twin Rocks
- Tyler Mill
- Wallingford
- Wallingford Center
- Walnut Beach
- Walnut Public Beach
- Waterbury
- Waterbury-Oxford Airport
- Wayland Island
- Webster Point
- Welches Point
- West Crib
- West Haven
- West River
- West River Entrance
- West Rock
- West Rock Ridge State Park
- West Silver Sands Beach
- West Wharf
- Westville
- Wheeler Island
- White Top Rock
- Whitneyville
- Wildermere Beach
- Wolcott
- Woodbridge
- Woodmont